Sea kayak inventory

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The sea kayaks available to the club.

THCC sea kayaks

All club sea kayaks should have a White number label attached to the back of the boat.

Please put boats onto the racks bow first so that:

  • the skegs are not pushed across the rack
  • the tags are visible on the outside end

Shadwell Basin sea kayaks

Shadwell Basin own four Nigel Dennis fibreglass sea kayaks - 3 Explorers and a Romany. Members of the club can use these fibreglass boats if they have acquired Sea Kayak Award or and older equivalent.

If you are qualified, you can use these on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

If you would like to use them on a club trip, you should not book them until you have approval from the Basin. This is to make sure that the Basin doesn't need them themselves. Approval can be arranged through the Equipment Officers. As for all kit bookings, both booking and approval need to be arranged by the end of the Wednesday before your trip.
